Drug Sentencing Reforms Begin This Summer

On the first day of August each year, the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission publishes revised guidelines for felony sentencing. The 2016 changes were discussed in two public hearings and approved by the commission in a 7 to 3 vote. They were presented to the Minnesota legislature in a report dated January 16, 2016. Some of the changes in drug sentencing may be controversial as they are less harsh compared to previous standards.

Barring any complications, the new guidelines will be implemented on August 1, 2016. As Max A. Keller, drug attorney St. Paul, explains, “The new guidelines can give those found guilty of minor drug offenses the second chance they deserve.”

The Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission was established in 1980 to review incarceration trends and put a meaningful sentencing structure in place. The commission developed the “sentencing grid” to provide a logical framework for setting consistent prison sentences. It assigns each crime a “severity level” and gives the offender a “criminal history score” based on the number of past offenses. Judges use these factors to determine a drug offender’s sentence.

The annual guidelines review focuses on legislative changes, case law, and other relevant issues. The committee seeks to promote changes that help establish consistent sentencing practices, eliminate sentencing disparity, and ensure that sentencing is not disproportionate to the crime and criminal history.

The 2016 guidelines establish a separate “Drug Offender Grid.” Unlike the previous single grid, it doesn’t lump drug crimes together with other crimes when establishing a sentencing score. As with the old grid, the drug grid score total determines one of two sentencing outcomes. A “presumptive commitment to state prison,” or a “presumptive stayed sentence,” which may mean local jail time, no jail time, probation, or a combination of these. The new drug grid features:

  • Reduced severity levels and sentences for some crimes
  • 10 drug offense categories instead of 4
  • A Meth category with reduced severity levels applicable to children and vulnerable adults

Max A Keller, a drug attorney St. Paul,” is optimistic about the new guidelines. “I am positive that the new drug sentencing guidelines will encourage fair and equitable sentencing,” he explains. Attorney Keller invites anyone with questions or concerns about the modifications to contact Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys.

Max Keller has won countless jury trial cases involving misdemeanors and felonies, sex crimes, and DWI’s. He is a member of the Minnesota Society for Criminal Justice, which only allows the top 50 criminal defense attorneys in the state as members. Max is a frequent speaker at CLE’s and is often asked for advice by other defense attorneys across Minnesota.

Years of Experience: Approx. 20 years
Minnesota Registration Status: Active
Bar & Court Admissions: State of Minnesota Minnesota State Court Minnesota Federal Court 8th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals State of Maryland

What to Do If You Have Been Charged with a Criminal Offense

People facing drug crime charges who were victims of unlawful search or seizure may wonder, “What role does search and seizure law play in drug cases?” Under the Fourth Amendment, search and seizure law protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement officers. The Minnesota constitution provides similar protections.
One question that may linger on your mind upon discovering you are under drug crime investigation is: “What should I do if I’m arrested on drug charges?” The first thing you should do if you’re arrested on drug charges in Minneapolis is stay calm and cooperative. Then, document the arrest while the event is still fresh in your mind. Next, hire a lawyer who has built a successful practice around helping criminal defendants facing drug related charges.
If you are facing a sex crime charge or suspect the police are investigating you, you might wonder: “Can I be charged with a sex crime if the other party consents?” While you might have consensual sex with someone, sex crime charges can still be filed against you in Minnesota. Legal concerns, such as the complainant’s age, mental capacity, and legal authority, are usually considered during court proceedings for sex crime cases. All those issues can impact your case.