A person convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI) can lose his or her serialized Commercial Driving License (CDL). This penalty applies even if the person is convicted of DWI in a non-commercial vehicle. It also applies even if it’s the first time he or she has been convicted of DWI.
Federal rules insist that reporting DWI convictions isn’t just an employment issue but a public safety issue. Likewise, Minnesota DWI laws make it clear that those who drive a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances can face criminal penalties like imprisonment, fines, and court expenses,
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DWI Penalties for CDL Holders
In every DWI case involving a CDL, careful planning and aggressive defense by an MN DWI attorney can increase the odds of securing a favorable outcome. Besides the driver losing the CDL, he or she may face jail time, steep fines, and other hidden consequences of a DWI conviction. In Minnesota, the fine is between $3,000 and $14,000. It’s not unusual for the state to require a person who had temporarily lost his or her CDL due to a DWI conviction to complete an alcohol education course before reinstating it.
The state can also require convicted CDL holders to complete community service — anywhere between 40 and 160 hours. A CDL holder can be subject to all these penalties whether he or she was convicted of DWI in a non-commercial vehicle or commercial truck. If the accident resulted in serious bodily injury or death to another person, then the commercial driver may face civil lawsuits.
License Plate Impoundment
Minnesota may also impound the license plate of commercial drivers under certain circumstances. A DWI conviction, CDL cancelation because of drug test failure or refusal, and two or more DUI/DWI convictions in ten years are some reasons a commercial license plate can get impounded.
Appealing a DWI Conviction in Minnesota
Getting a DWI conviction isn’t the end of the road for a commercial driver. The driver has the right to appeal the ruling with the Minnesota Courts of Appeals within the required timeline. An MN DWI attorney can review the unique facts of the case and come up with solid grounds for requesting the appellate court to reverse the DWI conviction. The attorney can then present compelling oral arguments that will convince the appellate court to overturn the DWI conviction.