It’s that time of the year again. Not only are college students returning to school, but Labor Day is coming. Between now and the upcoming holiday, the past has shown that the rate of drunk driving and DWI accidents increase.
Law enforcement in Minnesota and throughout the country will be on the streets in more-than-full force, beginning this past weekend until Labor Day. The fun and festivities you are about to enjoy before summer’s end, therefore, need to be enjoyed with a dose of wisdom. A DUI arrest is no way to end an otherwise carefree, beautiful summer.
According to Minnesota sources, the statewide anti-drunk driving program tells drivers to “Drive sober or get pulled over.” In failing to drive sober, meaning with a BAC level of 0.08 or higher, a driver will find him or herself facing a criminal charge, the specifics of which depend on each case and a driver’s DWI history.
It’s important to remember that a year makes a big difference for Minnesota drivers when it comes to drunk driving convictions and sentencing. A first-time drunk driver is required to use an ignition interlock on his or her car. All repeat offenders are required to do the same. And the device is only one aspect of DWI sentencing. Jail time, required counseling and fines are also sobering realities of what commonly starts out as a night of alcohol-fueled fun.
With more police on the roads who are looking for you to make a mistake, it is crucial to look out for yourself and your friends. Designate a sober driver or get a cab. If you or someone you know does get arrested for drunk driving, it’s never too early or gets legal help and work to protect your future and reputation.
Northland’s News Center: “MN Cracks Down On Drunk Drivers Through Labor Day,” Melissa Burlaga, Aug. 19, 2011