Marijuana is legal is some states for Medical use only. In other states, including Colorado, it is legal for Medical and recreational use. Meanwhile, marijuana possession AND cultivation as well as selling is illegal under Federal Law. Here in Minnesota, there is a Medical Marijuana bill taking effect January 1, 2015. Under this new law, sick children and others who have cancer and seizure disorders and other diseases can now get marijuana for medical purposes. Under Minnesota’s Medical Marijuana law, the marijuana can only be in Pill or oil form. Loose marijuana, like a joint or marijuana cigarette, is still illegal under the medical marijuana law. As if these state and federal laws were not confusing enough, they also raise ethical concerns for Attorneys, who could be disciplined or disbarred if they advise a client to break federal law by doing something that is actually LEGAL under state law, but still illegal under federal laws.
Attorneys now face ethical concerns because of the confusing and contradictory mishmash of state and federal marijuana laws. Attorneys who give wrong advice may be disciplined by state bar authorities, or even disbarred. An attorney who has been disbarred loses the license to practice law and therefore cannot represent clients as an attorney. Although you may not be starting a medical marijuana business as some are, you may have been charged with a Minnesota felony drug crime. If you have been charged with a felony level drug crime in Minnesota, a good Minnesota criminal defense attorney can do many things to help you. For example, a tough experienced defense counsel can get all the evidence against you thrown out, if the circumstances warrant it. In addition, a defense attorney can get your punishment reduced for a drug crime. For example, your Minnesota attorney can get your sentence reduced to a stay of adjudication (no conviction) or a stay of imposition (no felony on the record after probation is over). If you need a tough, experienced Minnesota Drug Crimes attorney on your side, call Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys today at 952-913-1421.