Minnesota Solicitation of Prostitution Defense Attorney
In Minnesota, Solicitation of Prostitution is a serious offense. A first offense is often charged as a gross misdemeanor, but could be a Minnesota felony. Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys has defended many people charged with Solicitation of Prostitution. Many such cases now come from police stings or undercover operations. In the old days, an undercover prostitution sting meant a police woman standing on a corner, dressed like a hooker or prostitute, and soliciting unwary men.
Nowadays, technology has changed everything. Today, many Twin Cities police departments are arresting people through high-tech undercover stings. Police departments like St. Paul, Minneapolis, Maplewood, Fridley, and Coon Rapids have posted internet ads on Backpages.com and other similar websites. They ads are soliciting prostitution customers just like the old-time street walkers, but now it is an internet sex crime. The ads feature pictures of scantily clad women, offer massage services, and give a phone # to call. Typically, the police will force prospective customers or “Johns” to call them several times to get more and more specific directions, ultimately leading to meeting a woman in a hotel room. When the man produces the money or the undercover policewoman gives the bust signal, the uniformed police officers burst in and arrest the un-suspecting man.
We provide free initial consultations to all clients. To schedule an appointment, contact us Today.
Contact Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys
If you have been charged with solicitation of prostitution in Minnesota, you need an attorney right away. A conviction can have a devastating impact on employment, family, and/or immigration status. Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys has represented many people charged with solicitation of prostitution, and other Minnesota sex crimes, in many counties in Minnesota. Often times we have been able to prevent a conviction through various means. Some of the possible ways of avoiding a conviction for solicitation of prostitution are a dismissal, a continuance for dismissal (CFD), a Stay of Adjudication, or a vacate and dismiss (usually after one year)–this means the conviction is vacated and dismissed on year after a guilty plea.
If you have been charged with Solicitation of Prostitution or similar crimes, or another Minnesota sex crime, whether in Minneapolis, St. Paul, or elsewhere, you need to contact Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys at (952) 913-1421 ASAP. We can help you save your job, your marriage, and your freedom.