Sexual Assault on College Campuses is a Growing Problem

Since 2014, sexual assault cases on college campuses have been on the rise. Various studies show that 20 percent of female college students admit to being sexually harassed, assaulted or raped while attending college.

Campus Sexual Assault Facts

According to studies at various colleges in the U.S., sexual assaults on college campuses are on the rise. One in five women and one in 16 men admit to being the victim of sexual harassment, assault or rape while attending college. Statistics show that male students who belong to a fraternity are three times more likely to rape than males who don’t, and female students who belong to sororities are 75 percent more likely to be raped. Although about 20 percent of college students report sexual assaults to campus officials or an assault lawyer, 90 percent of victims do not make any type of report.

In 2014, the highest numbers of campus rapes occurred at the University of Connecticut and Brown University. Each school had 43 rapes on their main campuses. Many reported rapes occurred at off-campus fraternity houses at social events where alcohol and drugs were easily accessible.

Preventing Campus Sexual Assaults

During President Obama’s terms in office, the Department of Education issued guidelines concerning sexual assaults on college campuses. Colleges and universities were warned that failing to respond quickly through appropriate channels to sexual harassment, assault, rape, or violence on campus would be a violation of the Title IX law. This federal law, enacted in 1972, protects students from discrimination under any activity or education program that receives federal financial assistance.

Some colleges and universities offer rape prevention classes as a way to reduce sexual assaults on campus. Research shows that the risk of rape is five percent lower for female freshmen who attend a rape prevention class than for those who are only given brochures. Prevention classes also advise students on basic safety guidelines:

  • Avoid alcohol intoxication which impairs judgment and physical abilities for self-defense.
  • Avoid beverages from another person or from a communal alcohol source like a punch bowl. Drugs used to incapacitate sexual assault victims can be odorless, colorless, and tasteless. An assault lawyer commonly sees cases where date rape drugs are used on victims.
  • Leave the area or social event when feeling uncomfortable or unsafe.
  • Attend social events with friends, rather than alone.
  • Avoid walking through dark and unfrequented areas when crossing campus at night alone.

Max Keller has won countless jury trial cases involving misdemeanors and felonies, sex crimes, and DWI’s. He is a member of the Minnesota Society for Criminal Justice, which only allows the top 50 criminal defense attorneys in the state as members. Max is a frequent speaker at CLE’s and is often asked for advice by other defense attorneys across Minnesota.

Years of Experience: Approx. 20 years
Minnesota Registration Status: Active
Bar & Court Admissions: State of Minnesota Minnesota State Court Minnesota Federal Court 8th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals State of Maryland

What to Do If You Have Been Charged with a Criminal Offense

Students with juvenile convictions in their records and intending to apply for college may wonder, “Do juvenile crimes impact college admissions?” A juvenile crime in Minnesota can lower the odds of your child’s college application getting approved. A conviction of a serious juvenile crime may result in an automatic rejection of college applications. A minor with a criminal record may be disqualified from accessing student loans or grants.
Defendants convicted of a crime may ask, “What is the post-conviction process, and how long does it take?” A petition for post-conviction relief allows you to contest the legality of a criminal conviction or sentence following an unsuccessful direct appeal process or passing the appeal deadline. This petition involves legal issues not addressed at trial or direct appeal. These issues include a constitutional rights violation, newly discovered evidence, and inadequate or ineffective lawyer representation.
Knowing how long the sentencing phase takes in Minneapolis, MN, can help you ease worries and work towards receiving a fair sentence. The sentencing phase of the criminal justice process usually takes only minutes, especially when the judge approves the sentence negotiated in a plea bargain. Sentencing can sometimes be lengthy, particularly when you get convicted at trial, and the judge schedules a hearing to a later date to decide on appropriate legal penalties. The nature and seriousness of the criminal conviction, whether your sentence is negotiated or determined by a judge, and continuance motions are some factors that may affect the length of the sentencing phase.