Christopher Jasperson was charged with child endangerment in Motevideo, Minnesota. He left his 2 year old child in his car when he was drinking in the bar. The car was running. Jasperson submitted to a preliminary breath test which purported a result of .23. The legal limit to drive in Minnesota is under a .08. Jasperson was taken into custody and the child was released to another family member. Jasperson may face up to three years in jail and/or a $3000 fine. Child is a serious charge and faces harsh penalties. Jasperson will need a criminal lawyer in Minnesota to help him with his case. Depending if witnesses come forward with statements, that Jasperson was driving, he could also be charged with driving under the influence of alcohol (herein “DUI”).
What is a DUI in Minnesota?
There are four levels of DUI in Minnesota. Fourth, third, second, and first degree (felony DUI). DUI’s are an enhanceable offense. This means that a prior DUI will be used as an aggravating factor if you get another DUI in the future. There are other ways to get an enhancement such as if the alcohol is .20 or more or if there are children in the vehicle. Here, because Jasperson had his two year old child in his car and tested a .23, he could also be charged with second degree DUI. Jasperson has two aggravating factors in his case which could lead to the Gross Misdemeanor DUI charge. If Jasperson is charged with second degree DUI, he will also be looking at a forfeiture of his vehicle. Forfeiture means that the vehicle will be taken away and auctioned off if a petition is not filed with the court. A forfeiture petition must be filed within 60 days of the arrest, or else the forfeiture is deemed to have been waived. There is also a filing fee associated with a forfeiture petition. Contact Keller Law offices if you have been charged with a DUI and if you have a car that has been forfeited by the State. Max Keller has represented many individuals with their forfeiture cases in district court and in the court of appeals.
Child Endangerment in Minnesota
There are many different ways an individual can be charged with child endangerment. Minnesota Statute 609.378 states that “a parent, legal guardian, or caretaker who willfully deprives a child of necessary food, clothing, shelter, health care, or supervision appropriate to the child’s age, when the parent, guardian, or caretaker is reasonably able to make the necessary provisions and the deprivation harms or is likely to substantially harm the child’s physical, mental, or emotional health is guilty of neglect of a child and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both.” A person can also be sentenced to up to five years in prison and/or $10,000 fine if the deprivation results in substantial harm to the child.
Max Keller handles many alcohol related offenses and child endangerment cases in Minnesota. He is a criminal lawyer in Minnesota. Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys offers free consultations for their clients. Max Keller has 17 years of experience as a criminal lawyer in Minnesota. Call 952-913-1421 to talk with a criminal lawyer. Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys has two criminal lawyers licensed in Minnesota. Max Keller will fight for you and will meet with you with not cost up front. Payment plans are also offered on most cases. Please feel free to visit the firm’s website at Max has handled cases in Chippewa County, Minnesota in the past. He is an experienced criminal lawyer in Minnesota and has handled cases similar to Jaspersons’s case.