Lexie Stein of Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys received a very favorable deal for her client charged with electronic solicitation of a minor. Her client was offered a continuance for dismissal on an electronic solicitation of a minor charge. Her client served no jail time and paid no fine. The client also avoided a felony conviction and was able to maintain a clean record without ever having to admit guilt.
A continuance for dismissal means that after the probationary period is over, the case will be dismissed. It means that the prosecutor agreed to suspend prosecution for a specific amount of time on the condition that all conditions are met. Typically, the conditions are to have no same or similar offenses and to remain law abiding during the probationary period. Other conditions may also be agreed upon depending on the case. A background check of your record will show the arrest but no conviction. A continuance for dismissal also means there is never a guilty plea and means you have never been convicted of a crime. An expungement after the dismissal, if granted, would seal the arrest records. A continuance for dismissal is a very favorable result in any case, especially in a felony case.
As Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys previously blogged on, the Minnesota supreme court will soon be deciding whether Minnesota Statute 609.352 subdivision 2 (engaging in communication with a child or someone the person reasonably believes is a child, relating to or describing sexual conduct) or is unconstitutional in the Muccio case. Stay tuned on whether the Minnesota supreme court rules that the statute is unconstitutional.
If you have been charged with electronic solicitation of a minor in state or federal court, contact Lexie Stein or Max Keller. If convicted of electronic solicitation of a minor, you may face up to imprisonment for not more than three years and/or a fine up to $5,000. The attorneys at Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys are ready to help you with the allegations against you and will raise relevant and appropriate constitutional challenges. They have helped other people in the same situation as you, in counties all over Minnesota. Max Keller and Lexie Stein have handled many cases involving solicitation and electronic solicitation. Max Keller and Lexie Stein offer free consultations. Call today at 952-912-1421 or visit the firm’s website at www.kellerlawoffices.com Remember, if contacted by an investigator, do not make a statement or an admission. Any statement made can be used against you in trial and may hurt the case against you. Call Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys before talking to the police and tell investigators that you want to call an attorney and invoke your right to silence. The attorneys at Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys are available 24/7.