Minnesota Attorney Michelle MacDonald was arrested earlier this year for suspicion of driving under the influence and DWI test refusal in Dakota County, Minnesota. She was then charged with a Dakota County DWI and DWI test refusal. She was pulled over for going 8 mph over the speed limit. She was pulled over by a Rosemount police officer and told the officer that she was a reserve cop. The officer also smelled alcohol on her breath. She refused to get out of her car and refused the field sobriety tests on the roadside. The officer had to call for back up. He then pulled her from her car. She refused the Datamaster breath test at the police station. She was then charged with DWI test refusal, DWI, and obstruction of legal process. She went to trial and lost. She was found guilty of obstructing the legal process, speeding, and refusing to submit to a breath test (DWI test refusal). She will be sentenced on November 12, 2014. She is planning on appealing her conviction. Macdonald is the Republican endorsed candidate for the Minnesota Supreme Court running against Justice David Lillehaug.
The Republicans tried to get her to repudiate the Republican endorsement for Minnesota Supreme Court, but she declined. She ended up filing a complaint against the Republican party, which was later dismissed. She believed she had a valid complaint because she believed the Republican party was trying to coerce her repudiating the endorsement and dropping out of the election.
This shows that Dakota County driving under the influence or DWI Test Refusal or Dakota County DWI charges are common. It is critical to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney who will go to trial for you. It is important to research whether the attorney you hire has been successful at obtaining “not guilty” verdicts in the past. Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys will go to trial for you and fight for you. Max Keller has a high success rate in obtaining “not guilty” verdicts in his 17-year criminal law career. Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys offers free consultations. Max Keller is a criminal defense lawyer in Minnesota. Call 952-912-1421 today if you are looking for an experienced criminal defense attorney.