Recently, Governor Dayton signed a new law changing or tightening the standards for licensing nurses by the Minnesota Nursing Board. The legislation was spurred by complaints that the Nursing Board has been too lax in dealing with nurses who, for example, had been accused to being addicted to drugs, stealing drugs, convicted of felonies, or lying about past criminal convictions. Members of the Nursing Board serve for four-year terms, and the Governor appoints the members of the Board. Recently, the terms of four members expired and Governor Mark Dayton appointed four new members to try to get the Board to act more “strictly” against nurses.
These legislative enactments highlight the importance of Professional Licensing. Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys has represented professionals in various criminal cases, including doctors, lawyers, nurses, physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, etc. Max A. Keller and Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys has also represented doctors, nurses, insurance agents, etc. in Professional Licensing actions before the Board of Nursing, the Board of Physical Therapy, the Department of Commerce (which licenses insurance agents), etc. Many professionals find that the threat to their professional license is more important than anything that could happen to them in a criminal case, etc. If you are a professional facing professional licensing action, contact an experienced Minnesota Professional Licensing Attorney right away.