Category: Criminal Defense

To the possible dismay of criminal defense and constitutional law attorneys across the United States, a California judge ruled Monday that police in the state of California may search an arrested individual’s phone. The ruling allows police to search any data that is kept on an arrested person’s phone. Under the ruling data is considered to include texts, emails, photos, web browsing history, address books or other data stored on the phone. The ruling only affects California law.
What is a criminal defense case for the suspects is a case of a Christmas Eve gone terrible for the victims. A local musician who is a part of a well known local rock band had his Saint Paul home and recording studio broken into over the evening of Christmas Eve. The musician lost $25,000 in electronic gear but more importantly he lost two albums that he had been recording for two different bands.
This year, Keller Criminal Defense Attorneys represented over a hundred clients in cases ranging from petty misdemeanor speeding to felonies carrying a presumptive sentence of 18 years in prison or more, including: misdemeanor DWI, DAR, DAS, Violation of an Order for Protection, Domestic Assault, Gross Misdemeanor Theft, GM DWI, Indecent Exposure, and various felonies including Felony DWI, Felony Theft, First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct, Third Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct, Possession and Dissemination of Child Pornography, Dissemination of Adult Pornography to a Minor, Felony and Misdemeanor Probation Violations, etc.
A Michigan man seeks criminal defense as he faces up to five years in prison for accessing his soon to be ex-wife’s email account. The man is being prosecuted under a Michigan state anti-hacking law normally enforced to punish individuals who have hacked into a government or private business computer system. The man accessed his wife’s email account to confirm whether or not his wife was having an affair.
Today, December 17, 2010, the Intoxilyzer DWI source code hearings continued in front of Judge Jerome Abrams in Hastings at the Dakota County Courthouse. Judge Abrams is hearing thousands of DWI criminal cases and implied consent driver’s license cases all challenging the source code or software for the Intoxilyzer used to test drivers suspected of DWI. Max A. Keller of KellerLawOffices has been an active participant in the source code litigation, having challenged the breath testing software or Intoxilyzer source code for several years.
The National Transportation Safety Board is making hard-core drunk driving one its top priorities. Hard-core drunk drivers are drivers who get on the road with a blood alcohol content of 0.15 percent or higher, or offenders who have been arrested multiple times for DUI or drunken driving within the last 10 years. As a part of its efforts, the National Transportation Safety Board is lobbying states to adopt its 11 point safety program to reduce the risk of hard-core drunk drivers on the road.
In our last post, we talked about the recent legal proceedings related to the arrests of four college football players involved in the investigation of the Pace University student and football player who was fatally shot by police. In this post, we will discuss the opposing stories of what happened on the night of October 17.
Four teammates of the Pace University student and football player who was fatally shot by police on October 17 want an immediate dismissal of their charges. In this post, we will talk about the recent court proceedings related to the investigation. In our next post, we will talk about the conflicting stories of the teammates who say they tried to help their friend and the police who charged the teammates with obstruction of justice and interfering with their friend’s medical aid.